M&A Deals on RBsourcesFilings

Boost your negotiating position with enhanced deal points and custom model agreements!

M&A Deals gives you a competitive edge

Custom model agreements instantly reveal what to expect from opposing counsel based on their deal position, deal size, industry and more.Deal details such as lead attorneys, deal structure, consideration, and financial advisors give you deeper insights into all deal participants so you can craft the best strategy 

Clause-level search and comparison tools eliminate the need to parse and deconstruct entire agreements, giving you deep insight into past deal terms of opposing counsel. 

Analytics quickly highlight conforming, and non-conforming language, giving you the most complete understanding of how your client’s terms compare to past precedent. 

Get Practical Guidance from Attorney Experts

Powered by Analytics, Enhanced by Experts  

M&A Deals provides vital insights and guidance for drafting, benchmarking, and negotiating better clauses and agreements. 

  • Instant Insights. Powerful full text search and post search filters guide you to on point language from a database of 800,000 individual clauses.
  • Integrated Practical Guidance. Expertly prepared practical guidance, such as elements of the clause, drafting considerations, and intent of the clause, are shown alongside individual clauses, enhancing your understanding at the point of need.
  • Comparison and Benchmarking. Multiple comparison tools allow you to efficiently review the clauses in the database and redline your own language to the provisions of deal counterparties, against a, extending your insight into the drafting strategies of specific counsel or industries.


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